The Elicitor Winter 2019 cover by Natasha Baumgartel
September 19, 2019
The Elicitor had a successful first year!
Its staff would like to thank Gloucester High School’s talented writers and artists for making this project possible. The Elicitor is GHS’s biannual art and literary magazine, which accepts submissions of any skill level and in any medium. The Elicitor also has an email newsletter; contact a staff member to be added to the mailing list!
To submit your work to the magazine follow this link and complete the form. If you are submitting 2-D or 3-D art, if needed, the staff can contact you and arrange a time to photograph your work. We encourage you to peruse last year’s issues for inspiration, the PDFs are available below.
2019-2020 Elicitor Editorial Staff
Cat C-D
Willa Brosnihan
Mila Barry
Autumn-Marie Silva