Congress confirms Biden’s win after chaotic attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Congress confirmed Democrat Joe Biden’s Presidential election win early this morning, after a mob of rioters, loyal to Donald Trump, stormed the capitol building in an attempt to overturn America’s election results.  

After a harrowing experience, lawmakers were determined to complete the electoral college tally, with Vice President Mike Pence presiding over the joint session, announcing the tally, 306-232.

The protesters were egged on by Trump who continues to make false claims about the integrity of the election  

Minutes following the outbreak of violence, rioters breached the Capitol building and attempted to enter the House gallery using extreme force to batter against the door. Lawmakers inside the chamber were instructed by Capitol police to take cover on the floor as a furniture barricade was constructed at the gallery’s entrance. Gas masks were also employed as a cautionary measure to protect against tear gas which had already been released in the rotunda. 

Reps were eventually escorted from the chamber by armed officers who engaged in physical altercations with insurrectionists to allow lawmakers to pass. 

Senators were also interrupted and ushered from their session with armed guards. Vandals entered the Senate chamber soon after, though aides tactfully secured the Electoral College certificates to ensure the security of the election results. 

President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation, and called on Trump to “to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege.” Biden said, “This is not dissent, it’s disorder. It’s chaos. It borders on sedition, and it must end now.

Trump released a video asking the rioters to leave, still repeating false claims of a stolen election. He also expressed praise for the rioters: “We love you. You are very special,” Trump said. 

One woman was shot and killed, and three others died from medical emergencies.

The Capitol Police are facing backlash due to waiting too long to call in backup. The Justice Department had sent in the FBI, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives along with the US Marshals. But by the time they had arrived it had already gotten out of hand, and crowds were already  infiltrating the building.  At least 50 Capitol and Metropolitan police  officers were injured.  Dozens of charges are expected. 

The attack on democracy prompted several officials in the Trump administration to resign including Mick Mulvaney, special U.S. envoy to Northern Ireland , Matt Pottinger, Deputy national security adviser, Stephanie Grisham, the First lady’s chief of staff, John Costello, the Commerce Department’s deputy assistant secretary for intelligence and security, and Ryan Tully, the Senior director for European and Russian Affairs 

Political leaders from both parties have come forward in an ask to remove Trump from office. Representative Adam Kinizinge(R-Ill), Senator Chris Coons (D-Del), Representative Seth Moulton (D-MA), and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer have called for Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th amendment, which would remove the power of the president.  While democratic representatives Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, David Cililline, Mark Tanko, Ayanna Pressley, and Jennifer Wexton have called for impeachment on Twitter.

After Twitter suspended President Trump’s account, a spokesperson tweeted a statement on Trump’s behalf early this morning after the Biden’s win was certified. “Even though I disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.”