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The Gillnetter

The student news site of Gloucester High School in Gloucester, MA

  • Good job to all students who completed the MCAS!
  • Spring sports start games this week!

The Gillnetter

The Gillnetter



VEILA WRINN February 28, 2024

Golden By Velia Wrinn I don't know anything now. I don't know November. I don't know the people or the places, Or the voices or faces It doesn't feel like home, Not in the way it used to. It...



Allie Nicastro February 28, 2024

Ghostboy and Boots

Ghostboy and Boots

WILLOW BARRY, Staff Writer November 30, 2021

Desperate times, desperate measures

Desperate times, desperate measures




RYAN BERGIN June 9, 2021

My image “Bliss” was one in a series of abstract photographs that I created this winter. Inspired by abstract photographer Frances Seward, the subject of my series was glass utilizing natural and artificial...

These Streets

These Streets

ELLA YOUNG June 9, 2021

It’s a smoke and mirrors kind of game Always Running out of roles to play As the spotlight fades So back to love Back to the way it was Back to the city Where I didn’t know your name This...

The Beetle Blue

The Beetle Blue

SEAN BERGIN June 9, 2021

“Ahhh, you smell that?” Paul asked me. “Smell what?” I replied. “The smell of freedom. That kind of breath you only are able to take on the last days of school. One more year and we’re finally...

Pathways by Bernica Wilcox

Autism and Me

Nadav Gerber April 24, 2020

Ever since I can remember, I always felt a little different. I saw and felt what was around me, but I couldn’t always express myself. My parents told me that my language was delayed, and I was diagnosed...



MASSIMO MOGETTA April 12, 2020



Charles King April 8, 2020

Nuclear power plants are designed to run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. Maintaining a power source that relies on radioactive uranium requires competent...



Emily Palk April 7, 2020

a puppet on a string fraying on one end   slowly breaking out of society’s confinement no longer a product put out on display   the most authentic we’ve ever been and...

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