Update to 2020 Advanced Placement exams




The College Board has recently updated their website with information regarding final changes to Advanced Placement exams for this year.

The usual multiple hour exam has been reduced to 45 minutes and will be taken online. Most tests have changed to open response based rather than both multiple choice and open response. It is necessary to access the online testing system 30 minutes prior to the time of the exam to get set up.

The College Board has made the test open book/open note and only cover material learned by early March. This is a way to try to make the exam fair for all students.

β€œI believe students want to do a full test so that they can show all that they know, but this is an extreme circumstance that doesn’t happen all the time,” said AP exam coordinator David Dipietro. β€œIn this case, giving students the opportunity to do the test at home at least provides them a chance to show what they know in a way that will benefit everyone.”

Students without devices should get into contact with the College Board as soon as possible so that adequate resources can be provided. The form can be accessed at this link: Don’t Have Internet or a Device for AP Classes and Exams?

These tests will now take place from May 11 – May 22. There will be makeup dates for students from June 1 – June 5. The tests are expected to be graded and returned to students on schedule.

For specific dates, times, and content for each test, click here.