Schools to provide grab and go lunch during closure

Schools to provide grab and go lunch during closure


Beginning Monday, March 16, the Gloucester schools will provide lunch for ALL students who are in need of a meal.  

  • Meals will be available between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm Monday through Friday.
  • Meals will be located at the O’Maley Innovation Middle School.
  • This will be a “grab and go” operation. Bag lunches will be handed out with the expectation that lunch will be eaten at home or off site.
  • Meals will be given out at the side door next to the cafeteria. Look for the sign.
  • Families can drive by and they will receive lunch, or individuals can walk up to the door and receive a meal.
  • Meals will consist of a sandwich, a fruit, a vegetable, and milk”