New schedule gets mixed reviews

The new schedule works on a 21 day rotation with an added homeroom block every three days.


This year GHS is running a new schedule, and it is getting mixed reviews. 

The new schedule introduces a 34-minute homeroom, every three days, on a 21-day rotation. Confused? So are the students. 

Instead of 8 types of days (1-7 plus a “day X” for half days), now there are 15 types of days ( 1-7, 1-7 homeroom, and day X). Some common questions this reporter hears often are: What day is it? What block is it? Is there a long block today? 

This year homeroom is designed to be an advisory period. So far in homeroom, students have been assigned to check their grades on the school’s online grade book, SchoolBrains, review their transcripts, and set goals for themselves. Seniors also get the opportunity to work on their college applications. During homeroom periods with no assignments, students can finish work they have for other classes and do homework.

The student body has mixed opinions on the new change. 

“Honestly, it’s kind of nice,” said junior Owen Hardy. “It gives me a period in the middle of the day to get some homework done.”

However, not all students are supporters of the new schedule. Freshman, Brady Salah, is opposed to the assigned activities.

“It would be useful if we did not have assignments to do,” said Salah.  “They’re pointless and I get them done as quickly as I can so that I can finish my assignments.”

Similar to students, teachers also have mixed opinions on the new schedule.

GHS engineering teacher Kurt Litchenwald has not seen it benefit his senior homeroom.

“It’s a good thing for incoming freshmen to assimilate into the high school,” said Litchenwald. “But to the rest of the classes, it’s a waste of time except for filling out surveys and forms.”

“I think that the idea is solid,” said English teacher Fraser Watson. “Having that block show up regularly can benefit students at all levels. I have a freshman homeroom and it definitely seems to help them get acclimated to school. It gives them time to get stuff done.”

According to a poll by The Gillnetter , 71 percent of respondents said that they like the new schedule only when it is a “free work block.”

“I like it when it is a work block,” said junior Autumn Silva. “When we are doing work that has no real substance that is supposed to be character development, it is less helpful than adults think it would be. The kids that will actually do it are the kids who don’t need it. And the kids who don’t do it, just don’t do it.” 

However, not all students like the new homeroom block just to get work done. 

“I think that homeroom is actually a big help,” said senior Salvatore Lograsso. “We get our own relaxation block and a thinking block. And we don’t have long block [on homeroom days] and I think that it’s actually helped out more than it’s taken away.”