Rule changes to Library Learning Commons limit student use


Sign posted on LLC door barring students from entering during first lunch

FISHER LEVASSEUR, Staff Writer, Photographer

Whether you are averse to the hustle and bustle of the lunchroom, or enjoy the luxury of sitting in a comfortable chair, or just need to put the finishing touches on a homework assignment due during the last classes of the day, the often tranquil sanctuary of the library, officially known as the Elliott T. Parker Library Learning Commons, has been there for you at lunch – until now.

Due to budget cuts, and the loss of the library assistant position, the library will no longer be open during both lunches. Instead it will be open one lunch period per day on an every other week rotation. For example, School Week 1: open first lunch, School Week 2: open second lunch. 

For students returning to GHS, the new lunch policy has already become a hindrance for those who often seek refuge from the crowded lunchroom.

“Having used the library last year for a majority of my lunches, and only having second lunch this year, I won’t have access to the library for up to a whole week sometimes” said senior Jesse Alexander.

“It’s frustrating when you are trying to get work done,” said junior Kate Bevins. “There is nowhere peaceful to do it during lunch.”