YAC lets every student feel loved this Valentine’s Day


Karen Hurst

The Youth Advisory Council wrote every GHS student’s name on hearts hanging on the cafeteria for Valentine’s Day


Every day before Valentine’s day, students will walk into the cafeteria to see hearts with hundreds of names written on them. Youth Advisory Council  members worked together to write the names of every single one of the students enrolled in GHS.

Karen Hurst
YAC spreads positivity in the cafeteria with student inspired hearts

Youth Advisory Council member Joe Kibango explained the significance of their project.

“This project was put together to make everyone feel important,” said Kibango. “Its purpose is to make everyone feel like they matter on Valentine’s Day and so they are not left out in any way.”

Students were surprised to realize that there are so many people in the school that they may not know. The names of each and every one of the students took up most of the cafeteria walls.

The YAC strives to spread positivity throughout Gloucester High School. YAC member Jesse Alexander also gave her thoughts on the project.

YAC members Icaru Souza and Nicolle Fernades write students’ names on the hearts

“This project gives every single person a valentine and is not exclusive to any group,” said Alexander.

The YAC has done other projects this year to inspire positivity. They made a tree in the cafeteria that had leaves that students signed, and spread rocks around the school that have inspirational quotes and drawings from students.

The Youth Advisory Council will work together to create more projects to spread positivity throughout the school year. They are hopeful that students will take a moment to view the variety of names covering the walls throughout the week.