Opinion: Save the bees

OWEN BRYAN, Staff Writer

Since the late 1990s, beekeepers around the world have been noticing a decline in the bee population.

Bees are one of the most important insects in our food chain. They are the lead pollinators, which means many plants rely on them to transfer pollen. Also bees make honey-a delicious natural sweetener. We need bees for crops to grow.

There are several causes to the faltering population.

Pesticides often target all bugs on the crops. Orthene 75S for example, is used on major crops such as soybeans. Soybeans are grown all around the world, which affects the world wide bee population.

All those dead bees can lead to Colony Collapse Disorder. Colony Collapse Disorder occurs after many worker bees leave the hive and do not return. This leave the queen and the eggs unprotected, which causes the whole hive to die.

“Save the Bees” is a movement attempting to protect bees and return their populations to their former numbers. Supporters of the movement are reaching out to people of their communities and sharing tips for the protection of these insects in need.

One way anyone can help is to garden ecologically and avoid pesticides. This means you plant several different plants very close to each other. By doing this, you maximize the available space and block out any spots where weeds could possibly grow. This means you don’t have to weed your mini-garden, and won’t need pesticides.

Several corporations have been endorsing saving the bees. General Mills has put boxes without the Cheerios mascot Buzz the Bee. They are attempting to spread awareness for the cause.

Despite the population fall, there is still hope for our yellow, winged friends. With more attention to the cause, the bee population has plateaued and the decline has not been as rapid.  People still have a chance to make up for the mistakes of others. Go out and buy a planter box, some soil and some seeds, then plant a pesticide free garden.