Students save lives one pint at a time

Hailey Muniz donates blood to show her support

Julia Horne

Hailey Muniz donates blood to show her support

JULIA HORNE, Staff Writer

Gloucester High School hosted the Red Cross Blood Drive in the field house on December 18. Students over 17 years old, or 16 with parental permission, went down and donated their time and blood for a good cause.

“We were extremely pleased with the drive overall, and the willingness of the donors to share this life saving gift,” said Red Cross representative Kerry Valer. “We had 58 donors registered, 5 donors were deferred and 47 units were collected, we also had 31 first time donors. This will go on to help save up to 141 lives.”

National Honors Society students, such as Hannah Zuidema and Charlie Gillon, volunteered to assist their classmates who had recently donated blood.

“I liked talking to people who were having their blood drawn because I think that talking to them made them feel less nervous,” said Zuidema, who worked as expenditure to get students where they needed to be at the right time.

“I was in charge of the rapid pass for six hours, because everyone needed to do it before they could donate,” said Gillon.

According Italian teacher and blood drive coordinator Rayanne Menery it was one of the most organized blood drives GHS has ever had. “It makes me really happy to see many kids in student council and NHS volunteering, donating, and working together for a good cause,” said Menery.

“It feels good to know you are going to help other people,” said first time donor Eddie Mahoney.

For anyone interested in donating blood; Gloucester high school will be hosting another blood drive on March 11 in the field house.