Keep the plovers safe


As summer comes around once again, and the beaches begin to be populated more often, it is important to remember that we are not the only ones there. The piping plovers, small birds that reside on the same beaches that we do, are put at risk every year by beach-goers disturbing their nests and habitat. While the dunes at Good Harbor Beach are roped off, that doesn’t stop anyone from wandering into what should be a safe place for the piping plovers. Staying out of the roped-off areas is a simple taskā€”in fact, it is easier to follow the rule than to break it.

A petition to encourage the City of Gloucester to install more signage reminding people to respect the habitat of plovers can be found here.

The city has hired Mass Audubon this year to help monitor the plovers, because if something were to happen, the city could be fined thousands of dollars for harassment and disruption of the birds, as they are a threatened species. Mass Audubon’s responsibilities include roping off more area for nesting, and collecting data, but that may not be enough to ensure their safety.

More information about the plovers and how to help them can be found here.