Electrical students create mobile classroom for outdoor learning

Charlie Groleau

Electrical teacher Mr. Devlin demonstrates the mobile classroom his students created.

With the return of full in person learning, and the hot weather, some teachers have had to get creative when it comes to space. Thanks to the GHS Electrical shop, the “mobile classroom” for outdoor learning has become a useful solution. 

Due to DESE guidelines, students have to stay 3feet apart in classrooms. For  classes over the space limit, overflow students are being rotated into a remote “satellite space” in the lecture hall to continue with their class remotely. Thankfully, the mobile learning cart can mitigate this problem.

“It has given me the opportunity to deliver instruction to all my students at once especially in the classes where students are assigned to the satellite location because of the number enrolled in that particular class,” GHS Health teacher Rosa Goulart said. 

We spoke to Electrical Tech Teacher, Robert Devlin about the origins of the project, and how his classes constructed it. “Students were given a sketch. And then had to design it. It had to be able to fit out the door horizontally and vertically, and meet teachers’ needs,” he said.

Students also appreciate the outdoor classroom.  ¨The cart is benefiting me in so many ways,”  sophomore Adelyn Richardson said.  Having the opportunity to learn in the sunshine with my entire class is a really cool change of scenery, as well as an awesome way to obtain lessons.” 

“Honestly I find it a lot better than sitting inside,” junior Hannah Fletcher said.  

“I’m in school all day and on a nice day it’s a lot easier to stay awake and pay attention when there are more stimulating surroundings.”

Mrs. Goulart and Mr. Devlin encourage other teachers to utilize the tool. ¨I invite other teachers to try it out with their classes,” Goulart said.  “They just need to reach out to Mr. Devlin, he has been so generous in setting it up and breaking it down everyday. I have used it, and I am sure he would do so for other classes as well.”