May madness: Astrology edition


ELISE AMARAL, Staff Writer

As we have entered May, we have entered a new astrological stage. There is a lot going on this month in the cosmos.

Many planets shift into Gemini in May,  which brings a flighty energy. Mercury shifted into Gemini on May 3rd, which prompted us to feel more social, along with our minds running more wild. Venus also moved into Gemini on May 8th, leading us to feel less romantic and more fun and flirty.  The sun will enter Gemini  later this month, bringing another shift so be prepared for a wild time..

Last month in April we witnessed a ‘pink’ super moon along with a Pluto Retrograde. However on May 11th there will be a new moon in Taurus which is the current astrological season we are in. With this new moon in Taurus, the sun and moon will be aligning with each other and will signify a fresh start to enhance our spiritual intuition.

One of the more highly anticipated events of the year is Jupiter entering Pisces on May 13 and this will last until July 28. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, and growth, it is also Pisces’ ruling planet. This alignment will have the utmost magical and positive energy. With this there will be plenty of time to grow positively, spiritually, and creatively. All forms of luck will be distributed to each zodiac sign.

On May 20th we will transition into Gemini season, when the sun enters Gemini. There will be a slight shift from the calm and peaceful Taurus season to the social and spunky season of Gemini. During this season, we will be hit with new fun and fresh ideas.

There will also be a lunar eclipse on the 26th, with the moon in Sagittarius – more carefree, go with the flow sign. An eclipse in astrology always signifies sudden shock factors and revelations, along with inspiration and direction for each sign. With this eclipse we will want to embrace the optimism Sagittarius brings to us.

However there will be a Retrograde. On May 23 we will enter into Saturn retrograde which will last through October 10 due to the planet being on its backspin. This retrograde enters Aquarius which will lead us to question our boundaries and the rules we’ve set. During this time we will be taught maturity, new life lessons, and be given a time of reflection. May 29 is the beginning of Mercury retrograde which will last through June 22. This will be the second mercury retrograde of the year, and will be the same as the others- your communication, thinking, scheduling and timing will be off and dicey.

As you can see the stars show May will be a very busy month, but don’t fear we’ll get through the madness in one piece.