GHS parents say “thank you” to teachers

MARIA KOTOB, Staff Writer, Editor

Without teachers, no one would be where they are today. They guide us through our lives, preparing us for the real world while simultaneously teaching us valuable information. As appreciation for what they have done, a committee of five concerned parents who met through the GHS Site Based Council arranged a lunch for teachers in the GHS cafeteria yesterday, March 7.

“It was just so amazing of them to do that. It was one of the most thoughtful things done by the community for us teachers,” said math teacher Gus Martinson. “Even though it was a small thing in the cafeteria, it was greatly appreciated and it was an amazing thing to do for us. I’m very thankful they did this.”

Teachers were provided with a make-your-own sandwich table, along with a variety of snacks, drinks, and desserts. Although the parents pitched in to pay for the food, donations were made for the cause from Market Basket, Open Door, and flowers from Sage and Russell’s florists. Bread was donated by Virgilio’s Italian Bakery, Alexandra’s Bread, and Sclafani’s Italian Bakery as well.

Teachers were very happy to hear that parents had gathered together to plan this lunch for them. Rather than going out and buying lunches for the half day, they were able to eat food provided to them as they enjoyed each other’s company for a change.

“It was a wonderful afternoon and a big surprise. The teachers were really happy to have some bonding time but it was so nice of the community and the parents and the students to make us feel loved and we really appreciated everything everybody did,” said Italian teacher Rayanne Menery. “As we know there was a lot of time put into it, right down to the flowers and the meals and the posters. We loved it.”

Teachers always get complaints from students about grades, amount of work in school and out, and what is expected of them in class. But rarely are they every thanked for what they do for each student and their classes. They come into school early and leave late without getting paid overtime, they bring their work home, and are the resources of all the information students are expected to learn by the end of high school. This lunch was the parents way of saying “thank you” for all they have done for their students.

“Before one of our meetings someone brought up the fact that nothing seems to ever be done to let the teachers know the parents and students appreciate what they do. Then someone proposed the lunch idea and we ran with it,” said Peter Lake, who had been one of the five parents to plan this lunch. “It was just to say we (parents) appreciate what they do.”