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The Gillnetter

The student news site of Gloucester High School in Gloucester, MA

  • Good job to all students who completed the MCAS!
  • Spring sports start games this week!

The Gillnetter

The Gillnetter

2024-2025 Staff

Lexi Thomas
Editor In Chief

Lexi Thomas

Lexi Thomas is a Senior at Gloucester High School, and a third year staff member for the Gillnetter. She enjoys writing creatively and thoroughly enjoys regularly publishing for the paper! Lexi is the Editor in-chief of the...

Santana Faria
News Editor

Santana Faria

Santana Faria is a junior at GHS and a second year staff writer for the Gillnetter. She’s an honors student as well as an active member of the Student Council, where she enjoys fundraising for her class. In her free time, Santana...

Aleena Brown
Sports Editor

Aleena Brown

Aleena Brown is a sophomore and the sports editor of The Gillnetter. She plays Varsity Softball, Varsity Track, and Field Hockey. She’s an avid member of multiple GHS clubs like Mental Health Ambassadors, Student Council, and...

Mylee Towne
Art Director

Mylee Towne

Mylee Towne is a junior and Art Director for The Gillnetter. They enjoy art of all kinds and writing poems and short stories. They enjoy reading fiction books and baking sweet desserts. They are a member of the National Art Ho...

Cole Mosley-Wynn
Sports Writer

Cole Mosley-Wynn

Cole Mosley-Wynn is a Sophomore and a first year staff writer for The Gillnetter. He is a 3 sport athlete at GHS  who plays Football, Basketball, and Baseball. He also participates in Boxing and Rowing outside of school.  Col...

Ruby McElhenny
Staff Writer

Ruby McElhenny

Ruby McElhenny is a junior at GHS and a first-year writer for the Gillnetter. She is involved in many groups at GHS including DECA, Interact, Student Council and Gender Equity in STEM, as well as a member of the GHS Indoor Track...

Isla Black
Staff Writer

Isla Black

Isla Black is a junior at GHS and a first year staff writer for the Gillnetter. She enjoys baking, arts & crafts, and hanging out with her friends. She is an active member of many GHS clubs including, DECA, student counci...

Grace Castellucci
Staff Writer

Grace Castellucci

Grace is a sophomore at Gloucester High School. She is a varsity athlete in cross country and both seasons of track. She is an honors student. She enjoys listening to music, reading, and keeping active. She has won awards in m...

Jessica Harvey
Staff Writer

Jessica Harvey

Jessica Harvey is a Junior at Gloucester High School and is a first year staff writer for the Gillnetter. She participates in AP and honors classes as well as school extracurriculars such as the DECA Club, the Stem Club, and t...

Delilah Davis
Staff Writer

Delilah Davis

Delilah Davis is a junior at Gloucester high school and first year staff writer for The Gillnetter. She enjoys spending her free time at the beach, skiing with her friends and family, playing tennis, writing, and traveling. She has...

Meadow Anderson
Staff Writer

Meadow Anderson

Meadow Anderson is a sophomore at Gloucester High School and a first year staff writer for The Gillnetter. She likes to spend her free time playing soccer, skiing, and traveling. She has been a member of the STEM club, Intera...

Benjamin Sechrist
Staff Writer

Benjamin Sechrist

Benjamin Sechrist is a sophomore politics enthusiast and first year staff writer for The Gillnetter. He is an honors history student at Gloucester High School who enjoys analyzing the national political climate and offering insight on...

Katy  Hautala
Staff Writer

Katy Hautala

Katy Hautala is a junior and first year staff writer for the Gillnetter. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her friends, shop, travel, and dance. Katy has been dancing for 14 years and competing for 9 years. She is c...

Vincenzo Ciaramitaro

Vincenzo Ciaramitaro

Vincenzo Ciaramitaro is a senior at Gloucester High School. He loves to do sports photography and he is a Board member of National Art Honors Society. When he is not doing photography he likes hanging out with friends and loves supp...