Social distancing is key


It’s been an interesting week in America as the COVID-19 has been making its way across the world. There were updates made by representatives of the US government since the outbreak on precautions to help prevent the spreading of the virus that we should all pay attention to. 

There have been many statements released recently in the news about the do’s and don’ts during the Coronavirus pandemic. Either way, one thing that can be agreed on by all is that social distancing is key.

According to John Hopkins University, social distancing is defined as “a public health practice that aims to prevent infected people from coming in close contact with healthy people in order to reduce opportunities for disease transmission.” 

The best way to keep up with social distancing is to maintain at least a six-foot separation between yourself and others. If you can not completely isolate, it is recommended to be in groups of 10 or fewer. 

These rules have not come to ruin students’ time off from school and adults’ time off from work, but to keep everyone safe and attempt to keep COVID-19 from spreading further.  

Even if you feel healthy and even if it is inconvenient, you need to practice social distancing. This practice is not necessarily to help you personally. The restrictions were put into place to help prevent other citizens from becoming infected and to stop the spread of the virus.

This is a time in which we need to not just think about ourselves and peers but to put the greater good before our boredom and stay at home.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker stated on Monday March 16 that the state would give back to the small businesses that were required to close by offering emergency loans of up to seventy five thousand dollars. Baker also issued a restriction on restaurants to the point where they can only serve take out and delivery. 

There are also new limitations that you can no longer have gatherings of more than 25 people, this ban has also caused some businesses across the state to close their doors. Most of these closures will last for at the very least three weeks.

During the time of the social distancing stay safe and wash your hands!