SAGA awarded Awesome Gloucester grant to support LGBTQ youth
The SAGA team celebrates at Awesome Gloucester pitch night
April 30, 2019
Gloucester High School’s SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) group was awarded $1000.00 by the Awesome Gloucester Foundation to create “SAGA Nights,” a free monthly support group for LGBTQ youth in the North Shore area.
According to the presentation shown at the Awesome Gloucester Pitch Night, their mission is “to provide a space in Cape Ann that will connect LGBTQ regional GSA groups and decrease isolation.”
SAGA’s model is based on NAGLY, a LGBTQ youth group based in Salem. “There’s a lot of obstacles in reaching that resource, so we wanted to create something more local,” said SAGA Adviser and GHS Adjustment Counselor Amy Kamm.
In their pitch to Awesome Gloucester, SAGA students noted that if students are not out to their parents, or their parents are not supportive of their identity, they may have trouble reaching that resource, especially since meetings are held on a weekday.
“We want these kids that are struggling with coming out to know that there are kids that understand, and a space that is safe to express their emotions,” said SAGA member Adrianna Saputo.
“We would have speakers, maybe local people who work with LGBTQ youth or good role models for the kids who come,” said SAGA member Cassidy Briere. Funds will also go toward venues, speakers, paper goods, food and drink, art materials, and field trips/ trainings for LGBTQ youth.
“This is seed money” said Amy Kamm, “We are trying to secure other money so that this is a long term resource in this community.” They also hope to host PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meetings as a resource for parents of LGBTQ youth.
“We are trying to create a night of support for LGBTQ youth,” said Cassidy Briere “we’ve had a lot of regional support. Our first meeting will be at Gloucester Cinema showing Love, Simon.”
To learn more about SAGA, students are invited to attend meetings in room 1208, every Wednesday, during both lunches.