O’Maley Spanish teacher raises money for family in Puerto Rico

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Standing water in Ponce, Puerto Rico, poses health risks for its residents more than a week after Hurricane Maria devastated the island


After Hurricane Maria left Puerto Rico in disaster, O´Maley Spanish teacher Ms. Bianca Robinson decided to take action.

A month has passed since the storm swept through Puerto Rico, and the island is still in desperate need of help. With 80 percent of the territory still lacking power, and only 70 percent having access to water, with only some of it being safe to drink, the people living in Puerto Rico need as much support as possible.

A second year teacher, Robinson grew up in Puerto Rico. Although she left the island in 2008, her family still lives there in the tragic wake of the hurricane.

After many parents and members of the community asked how they could help her family, and understanding that the unforeseen costs would be high, she decided to start a YouCaring fund in order to raise money, in hopes of reaching at least $10,000. Currently she has raised $2,600, and has already sent $1,500 of this to her family.

While Robinson is helping out as much as she can from the United States, it is a very tough situation for her because she can’t go down to visit just yet.

¨I would be more of a burden than of assistance. I would have to drink the water my mom could be drinking,” said Robinson. ¨Imagine all of a sudden you lose everything and need to leave. My family is middle class and can afford some things, but I knew that they would need financial help.”

The money she raises will help stabilize her families finances. The majority of the proceeds will go towards drinking water and other necessities, and possibly to put a down payment on an apartment in Florida if her family decides to move.

As Robinson takes on the role to help out her family affected in Puerto Rico, the U.S. government seems to be lacking aid.

¨In terms of relief efforts for Hurricane Maria we don’t understand how the U.S. is basically not giving us more aid,¨ said Robinson. ¨Puerto Ricans feel cheated.”

Even before Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico was in an economic spiral, largely due to the Jones Act. The Jones Act restricts foreign supplies from going straight to Puerto Rico, and instead to the mainland of the US to be shipped by American crews and ships and then sent to Puerto Rico. This causes a tax on the goods which ends up costing Puerto Rico, and providing more money to the US.

While Robinson fears ¨It could be an entire year until Puerto Rico gets proper water and even 5 years until it is back to the Puerto Rico we knew,¨

Puerto Rico needs as much assistance as possible, If you would wish to donate to Robinson´s cause and help out her family, donate here: https://www.youcaring.com/biancarobinson-974711.