GHS rocks positive vibes through Youth Advisory Council
Rocks adorned with positive messages greet students as they walk into GHS
October 23, 2017
The GHS Health Center sends positive vibes to the community with their rock project that was hosted at the health fair. Through its new Youth Advisory Council’s “Positive Vibes Rock Project,” rocks were painted by students to represent their positivity through words and phrases. These rocks are now displayed for the whole school community to see.
The council is a student-based program that is held to get students involved in community service, and is held by the Health Center in room 1214 after school every Tuesday from 2:10 to 3:10.
“The purpose of the Youth Advisory Council is to get students involved in community service, and to make our school a better place,” said Karen Hurst, YAC program leader. “It is a great opportunity to make friends, and to spread positivity.”
In the beginning of the year, the council started its first project. They planted 140 tiny pots of either pumpkin or squash. At the very first staff meeting of the year, the YAC members passed out plants to each of the staff members in the school. By doing this, they were expressing that they appreciate what they are doing for the school community.
For their next project, YAC members wanted it to be collaborative, where students outside of the program could contribute. After a month of brainstorming, GHS math teacher Deb Faunce came up with an idea for their next project. The idea was to paint rocks with positive words and phrases. It was decided that a perfect time to host this project would be during the health fair.
In total, 125 rocks were painted and collected. These rocks were placed around the lamp posts outside for all of the school and the community to see.
Even if you aren’t able to attend all of the meetings because you have another commitment, you are able to attend at any time you are able to. Hurst encourages students to join, since it can give them a great opportunity to be involved with the community.
“The simplest things can make a difference to our entire environment,” said Hurst.