Sending our hearts to Houston and Florida
Hearts adorn the wall outside of the school store.
September 12, 2017
Over the past week, you may have seen hearts on the wall next to the snack shop and in the cafeteria and wondered what they are for. Those hearts are to help those who have been affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
In the past two weeks, the people of Texas have been ravished by hurricane Harvey. People have been left hurt, homeless, and unsure of what will be coming next in their life. Many towns have been flooded, permanently ruining homes and forcing the inhabitants of these houses to evacuate and go to any shelter that is not yet full. These shelters are fueled by donations, and every shelter could use more help.
People from around the globe have been sending money; sending donations to these shelters in hope of helping the hundreds, even thousands of people who unexpectedly lost it all.
Only a week later, hurricane Irma hit, affecting Florida. The same thing that happened to the people of Texas is currently happening to those in Florida. They’re evacuating their homes, losing everything they had and not knowing what to do next. These people’s lives are depending on the donations and the shelters that are taking them in.
At GHS, Student council and NHS will be trying to help out those people in Florida and Texas who have suddenly and cruelly had to start fresh. At the school store, outside of the cafeteria, you will be able to buy a heart for one dollar, and that dollar will be sent to help out those who need our assistance the most right now. If you’ve been looking for a way to help out, this is an easy and quick way you can aid those people who have been affected by these hurricanes.
So far GHS has raised over 200 dollars, and for one dollar minimum you could help change and better lives.