Career and College Fair Thursday night

March 15, 2017
Seeking college and career opportunities? Come to the Gloucester High School Field house for the third annual Cape Ann Career and College Fair this Thursday. The event is free, and will run from 5:30 pm to 7:30pm.
“It gives students the opportunity to speak directly with the admission representatives from colleges to which they may be applying,” said guidance counselor Ellen Clarke.
There will be over 60 college representatives at the fair, as well as 50 local business leaders available to talk about their field and the opportunities for high school students within them.
Careers that do not require college degrees will be represented as well, such as the Trades and Armed Forces.
These representatives are there to help high school students gain a better understanding of how they may pursue different career paths.
It is recommended that sophomores and juniors attend.
For more information about the colleges and businesses that are attending, go to the guidance office.
What: Cape Ann Career and College Fair
When: Thursday, March 16th 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Gloucester Field House
Cost: Free