New student council elected
Class of 2017 Treasurer, Rachel Nearis
May 25, 2016
The class of 2017:
President: Nate Young
Vice President: Lauren Benchoff
Secretary: Hannah Sears
Treasurer: Rachel Nearis
Representatives: Rachel Alexander, Haley Blanchette, Lexi Ciolino, Marybeth Colby, William Dyer, Brianna Ferrara, Marlaina Fulmer, Caitlin Gallo, Sofia Gallo, Roy Kirwa, Alexia Marnoto, Jarrod Martin, Steven Moody, Karissa Murray, Macaella Oliver, Sophia Pata, Sierra Rudolph and Bella Tocantins
The class of 2018:
President: Danielle Larrabee
Vice President: Emily Kenyon
Secretary: Christopher MacDonald
Treasurer: Jillian Gross
Representatives: Taylor Abbott, Caroline Enos, Marisa Enes, Samantha Gross, Henry Hardy, Erin Hoofnagle, Brendan Johnson, Caroline King, Jenna Lake, Gabriella Machado, Kaitlin Marques, Soo Ae Ono and Lexi Zubricki
The class of 2019:
President: Ruby Melvin
Vice President: Tracy Wood
Secretary: Owen Bryan
Treasurer: Rebecca Dowd
Representatives: Jesse Alexander, Delaney Benchoff, Jack Bergin, Max Boucher, Carolyn Cinelli, Jemima Grow, Maisie Grow, Fisher LeVasseur, Ben Oliver, Liz Schuster, Brandan Smith, Calvin Spencer and Rachel Vincent