Girls ice hockey team needs players
By Sara Melikian - originally posted to Flickr as #23 Kerry Weiland, CC BY 2.0,
Kerry Weiland made her Olympic debut in Vancouver and won a silver medal
February 10, 2016
After nine years without a girls ice hockey team, a group of parents is pushing GHS to start a girls team for the 2016-2017 season.
The idea for a girls’ team started when some U10 Cape Ann Youth Hockey parents wondered what will happen to their girls after they are finished with the program. There is no girls’ hockey team at GHS, but there are girls coming up who would like to play on a team for the 2016-2017 season.
“Hockey is growing in popularity for girls, and we think it’s important that programs should be offered to them – especially if they are asking to play,” said Mandy Milan who has a daughter entering high school next year, and another daughter in U10 who wants to continue her hockey career.
“We all think it’s a shame there isn’t one. Girls’ hockey is blowing up. Cape Ann Youth Hockey girls’ teams have tripled over the last few years,” said Milan. “We were just at Hockeytown today for a game, and the schedule there was filled with all girls’ games. It was awesome to see the establishment filled with girls, all there for the same reason; the love for the game.”
If enough students express interest in the girls ice hockey team, the idea will be presented to the Gloucester Athletic Director, and fundraising will begin.
“There is a lot of planning that needs to be done to prepare for the team and being unrealistic is not an option,” said Milan.
According to Milan, the expectation for this new team is that it will be successful. The parents want their kids to continue with the sport they love.
The last girls’ team at GHS was in 2007. A few years ago, parents tried to make a cooperative team with Marblehead. But, just before the season started, GHS was unable to play due to a lack of players.
“In 2014 and 2015, Mr. Anderson and I tried to formulate a team of Gloucester and Essex-Tech girls,” said GHS Athletic Director Kim Patience. “But we only got four girls to commit which was not enough to formulate a co-op. The concern is that we would not be able to play at the varsity level, and would need to start at the club or JV level.”
Junior Noelle Perry has expressed interest in becoming a member of the girls team.
“I’ve been playing hockey since I was little and I love it,” said Perry. “I was not able to play after my freshmen year because there was no team to play on. I don’t feel comfortable playing with boys because they are too aggressive. Hockey was a big part of my life and it was taken away.”
Students who are interested in playing on a team should contact [email protected] and leave a name, school, grade, and an email or phone number.
Jesse Alexander • Mar 16, 2016 at 8:07 am
Nice story
Jesse Alexander • Mar 16, 2016 at 8:04 am
Nice job sister, I think having a hockey team for GHS would be a great idea. If we were to have a hockey team do you think you’d play on it?
Jerry Ciaramitaro • Feb 11, 2016 at 10:22 am
They even held a practice but the school wanted nothing to do with it, my dad paid for and held a practice with my sister and a couple kids with no help or support from the school, ms patience or mr Anderson
Jerry Ciaramitaro • Feb 11, 2016 at 10:19 am
This is incorrect, ms patience and mr Anderson were nothing but an inconvenience while my sister Caitlin Ciaramitaro went through the hassle of trying to find girls and make up a team, nether of them were any help all they did was come up with problems and reason why she couldn’t. The school and them were not help at all