Docksiders play final public concert with founding director
“It’s been a great fourteen year run for me,” said Adams. “These guys complete me.”
The Docksiders performing at the Citywide Arts Festival
May 18, 2015
The GHS Docksiders gave their last public performance, under the direction of Mr. David Adams, at Gloucester City Hall on Saturday, May 9th as part of the Citywide Public School Arts Festival.
The 13 song set list, designed by the senior musicians, kicked off with “Dancin in the Street” featuring solos by Jackie Withers on saxophone and Trevor Blank on guitar.
Other songs featured solos by graduating seniors Sabrina Marnoto and Len Pallazola on saxophone, Matt Ciaramitaro on trumpet, and Cal Cook on drums. Future Docksiders from the middle school joined in for last two tunes.
“I could not have asked for a better last concert,”said Marnoto, “Everyone played phenomenally.”
Mr. Adams prefaced the concert by dedicating it to Mark Fraser, a Docksider charter member and trombone player, who died suddenly last week at the age of 29.
After the first song, Adams introduced all the seniors so the audience could give them a round of applause. “I also, obviously, couldn’t do this if this group of young people behind me hadn’t bought into it.” said Adams.
Graduating this year are Cal Cook, Sabrina Marnoto, Dan Carpenter, Trevor Blank, Len Pallazola, Jackie Withers, and Matt Ciaramitaro.
“It was fun that for the last public concert for seniors, we got to pick the set list.” said Withers
Towards the end of the set, Mayor Romeo-Theken, and Gloucester Education Foundation leader Maggie Rosa, joined the band on stage to end the arts festival and to say goodbye to Mr. Adams.
“It is my honor to say no, you aren’t taking a resignation, you can’t go,” said Romeo-Theken. “Thank you for everything you have done.”
“We are going to miss you, thank you so much,” said Rosa.
The newly hired music teacher, Aaron Stealuppi was also there to see what he has to work with. He shook Mr. Adams’ hand, and told him that his “mind was blown” by the performance.
“It’s been a great fourteen year run for me,” said Adams “These guys complete me.”