Last Thursday, the Gloucester High School Chapter of the National Honors Society inducted 52 members. The ceremony, held in the GHS auditorium every year, welcomed current and new members to partake in a night of recognition.
Speeches were delivered by President Julia Carrancho, Vice President Skye Ciolino, Historian Grace Tierney and Secretary Eve Liacos, with remarks by Superintendant Ben Lummis and Vice Principal Allison Alves.
Requirements for the NHS include an 88 or above GPA, as well as a showing of outstanding character and extensive volunteer work in the community.
Every year, four awards are presented to represent the four pillars of the society’s mission : Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Character. President Julia Carrancho received the Leadership award for her dedication as the President, Jane Herrmann received the Scholarship award for achieving Valedictorian of the Class of 2025. Lizy Erazo-Turcios received the Service award for her help in the Health Center and tutoring hours, and Secretary Eve Liacos received the character award for her dedication to the Credit Recovery Program in helping students of GHS excel academically.
Congratulations to Juniors Sean Abell, Emma Alves, Isla Black, Erez Boraks, Austin Bouchie, Gavin Bren, Ella Brown, Sean Buckley, Emma Carrapichosa, Hope Castellucci, Georgana Cauthers, Laila Ciaramitaro, Adam Conigliari, Martina Cracchiolo, Sofia Crivello, Lyall Cunningham, Jefferson Do Carmo, Santana Faria, Sofia Ferrara, Kameron Francis, Niava Friday, Jessica Harvey, Phoebe Hone, Rafael Jabba, Keagan Jewell, Madison Jewell, Zackary Karcher, Kassidy Klopotoski, Annette Love, Hannah Lyons, Ruby McElhenny, Harrison McKeen, Charlotte Morris, Julian Nixon, William Nixon, Keira O’Brien, Ashlyn Orlando, Elliana Parsons, Clayton Pierce, Ethan Refalo, Dylan Rochford, Esme Sarrouf, Jack Silveria, Zachary Soundis, Michael St. Peter, Myles Tran-Harrison, Jackson Webber and Velia Wrinn.
Congratulations to Seniors Christopher Dailey, Rose Groleau, Jordan Macchi, Giacomo Martell.