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Double take: Gloucester beats Winthrop and St. Marys

Catcher Olivia Madruga in action.

The Gloucester Fishermen softball team came into this week blazing, beating both the St. Mary Spartans and Winthrop Vikings on the road. The Fishermen scored 17 runs in each game, beating the Spartans 17-4 and the Vikings 17-1. 

On Saturday, the previously #12 ranked Fishermen took a trip to Lynn to face the #1 ranked Spartans. While the Spartans and Fishermen fought back and forth inning to inning, Gloucester took a considerable lead in the 5th, going through the entire lineup.

The Spartans couldn’t get a hold of the inning, pushing the Fishermen far out of reach mid-way through the battle. The Fishermen cemented the game on the defensive side, with the outfield of Tasara Frontiero, Julia Carrancho, and Captain Jenna Connelly on fire. 

The offensive highlight of the game came from Sophomore Emma Carrapichosa, who smashed a grand slam over the fence. Catcher Olivia Madruga and Captain Lily Aiello scored three runs in the game while having multiple hits against St.Mary’s pitchers. Joining their teammates for a multiple-hit game were Mackayla Allen and Emma Carrapich

Pitcher Cameron Carroll threw for all seven innings of the game, commanding the zone on the mound. St.Mary’s dropped to 2nd place in Divison 3 after the loss. 

On the following Monday, Gloucester faced the Winthrop Vikings, with Carroll starting in the circle for the Fishermen and catcher Aleena Brown making her first Varsity start of her career. 

The Fishermen entered the third inning leading by 3-0, until Carroll hit a 3-run home run high over the Winthrop outfielders’ heads. The lineup went through multiple times, with hits from Ava Paone, Maddie Battle, and Carrancho. 

Gloucester’s defense was on point for the hits the Vikings managed, but Carroll and Frontiero worked the zone perfectly. Brown was solid behind the plate, getting an out on a bunt attempt. Serina Russo was a star in the left corner at third base, making multiple outs throughout the game.

The Fishermen moved to 11th place in the recent power ranking officially clinching a spot in the Division 3 state tournament with a 10-9 record. The girls have a single game left in the regular season, playing in North Reading on Thursday at 4:15. 

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About the Contributors
ALEENA BROWN, Sports Writer
Aleena Brown is a freshman at GHS and a first-year sports writer for the Gillnetter. She is the starting JV goalie for GHS Field Hockey, along with the catcher and 3rd baseman for the Gloucester High School softball team. She enjoys drawing, writing, reading, video editing, and photography. When she’s not explaining another hockey romance book no one cares about, she spends her time photographic sporting events.  You can contact her with story ideas at  [email protected]  
LEXI THOMAS, Staff Writer
Lexi Thomas is a Junior at Gloucester High School, and a second year staff member for the Gillnetter. She enjoys writing creatively and can't wait to regularly publish! When Lexi isn't writing or getting caught up on schoolwork, she has been a Varsity Cheerleader for the past three seasons with no plans of stopping! Lexi is also an aspiring photographer who has made many appearances at all-level sports events.  She is very excited to be a jack of all trades this year on the Gillnetter staff and can be reached at

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