‘Clue: On Stage,’ a Complex Technical Endeavor
The cast of Clue utilizes the 8 doors in the set designed by Tyler Weed.
November 28, 2022
The GHS fall play, ‘Clue: On Stage,’ which ran from Thursday the 17th to Saturday the 19th, proved a unique challenge for the theater program in terms of technical design. The murder mystery is set in a large mansion and requires a series of secret passages and hidden tunnels, as well as ‘choreographed tomfoolery,’ involving 8 different doors. Set designer Tyler Weed created an intricate yet functional set that allows for the shenanigans of the play to ensue.
“There are a lot of set pieces, and a lot of scene changes,” Weed said. “I really enjoyed designing and building the set, but because it’s so complicated, it was difficult for the members of the tech crew to move the sets in a timely manner. I think that with everyone’s commitment, it really came together, and I’m proud of what we accomplished.”
The set was not the only complicated aspect of ‘Clue,’ however. The show required elaborate props and costumes that disguise and conceal certain details from the audience, in order to keep the final twist a mystery. The fast-paced nature of the show requires incredible reaction time for the lighting and sound designers. Gunshots, lighting, hidden weapons, and a falling chandelier all provided their own challenges, but all worked together to make the show an immersive experience for the audience.
Despite the extra work the designers and crew have had to put in, nobody wasn’t up to the challenge. The seniors in drama spent time last year campaigning for ‘Clue’ to be chosen as the fall play.
“Going into it, we all knew it was going to be a challenge,” drama club president Seamus Buckley said. “But the show is just so fantastic, that we were willing to put in the extra time if it meant we could perform it, and I think the final product was well worth the hard work.”
Everyone involved in the show logged an immense amount of hours working to make it performance ready, but the designers and crew deserve appreciation for their hard work, and for the skill that is required to create the detailed environment where the play takes place. This particular play requires a lot of dedication, but the entire cast and crew were up to the challenge.
The theater program’s next show is Anastasia, which will be holding auditions on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of December. You can sign up for an audition and find other information about the musical here.