GHS fitness center gets a makeover

Treely Dowd

The new and improved GHS weight room located in the athletic hallway.

SOFIA ORLANDO, Multimedia Editor

The GHS weight room, after being untouched for well over 20 years, is finally getting a makeover. 

The new equipment was funded by a $120,000 grant from the Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association, plus a private donor match of $ 50,000.  Various donors throughout the community and even some classes, local sports teams, and businesses also chipped in to help renovate the fitness center.

The weight room, also known as the fitness center, is a place for student athletes and other students to get proper physical activity as well as training and conditioning for sports with adult supervision. 

The fitness center was severely outdated before its renovation.

“Some of the equipment was unusable and unsafe,” said Athletic Director Bryan Lafata.  “The biggest issue was how outdated and unsafe that it really was for the student athletes, or any students to use. We just wanted to get more state-of-the-art, up to date equipment for everybody.” 

This new and improved weight room will have safer equipment, such as new extension machines, weight benches and stationary bikes. Lafata also said these improvements will benefit student athletes because they will now be getting a clean and new looking facility to train and workout in. 

“It is also good for rehab for our student athletes who get hurt,” Lafata said. “Our athletic trainer will go in there and utilize a lot of the equipment to help get athletes healthy and safe to get back on the field.”

The weight room is located in the athletic hall if anyone is looking to see the new and improved center.