Mrs. Abegg closes Canterbury Tales unit with activities and fun

Elise Amaral

Mrs. Abegg’s room from the outside, decorated as a Medieval castle.


Want to take a trip back to the Middle Ages? Then make sure to take a pass by Mrs. Abegg’s room which is decked out in Medieval decor.

Abegg’s class has just finished reading Geoffery Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, which includes twenty-four stories all written in Middle English and has continued the tradition of turning her room into a medieval haven.

All around room 2301 are authentic medieval activities for her students to indulge in. There are eight stations to travel through. Students can compete in an axe throwing challenge, solve medieval puzzles, and play pick up sticks (which actually originated from the Dark Ages). They can catapult lightweight items like paper, and also create bead jewelry from paper (during the Dark Ages they actually used rose petals to create jewelry). Students also took photos in kingly robes with the knights, and went on a quest to seek out the legendary sword of King Arthur, Excalibur. 

Each quest to find Excalibur is different for each class, and each group. No two groups will ever have the same quest.

The purpose of the activities is to reinforce British Literature and “to reinforce the King Arthur unit and Medieval Romance,” Abegg said. “There is so much more to Medieval Romance like the quests and the repetition of the number three, so just having them immerse in a time that we can’t imagine what it was like.”

All the students had to do for an assignment was create a digital passport where they would upload photos after they completed each activity or quest.

“I loved medieval week,” junior Emily Gossom said. “It was an immersive experience that allowed me to educate myself more while having fun.” 

So, if you ever want to indulge in the culture of the Middle Ages, make sure to take Honors English 11 with Ms. Abegg.