Outside lunch for all
Sophomores Max Littman, Sam Ashwell, and Deston Cauthers enjoy the nice weather after lunch.
May 27, 2021
Gloucester High School has returned to the full in person model of school this past week. With this step towards normalcy, there were still many elements of the model up in the air; namely lunch.
The changing guidelines have made it so there is no need for masks outdoors and no distance is required. GHS has decided to make changes as well, altering the lunch plans after complaints about the model from students.
As of today, students are now allowed to eat lunch outside, weather permitting. This will be held in the field beyond the softball fence. This is possible because the cafeteria is being closed down during lunch, shifting the supervision to the outside area.
“It was nice to see my friends that used to be in the fieldhouse and it’s a nice break to be outside after having to be inside all day,” said sophomore Annika Nyborg. “It’s better than being inside because it feels more comfortable to take my mask off and it feels more normal.”
Before this week, only seniors were allowed out during lunch.
An option for those who prefer to eat indoors is also available. For these students, the field house will remain open with supervision.
Administration has emphasized this is a privilege that can be taken away at any time. To keep outside lunch as an option, it is important that students continue to be respectful of the space, administration, and their peers.