Pleuler takes his American Spirit to a foreign land
Mr. Pleuler enjoys a dive in Smogazig. He will be missed dearly by the GHS Community.
April 1, 2021
It’s a sad time for GHS, as history teaching icon Mr. Pleuler has decided to retire from his duties as a teacher. Pleuler will be headed to Smogazig, an island in the North Pacific Ocean where he will be joining the company Tokabut, a local business focused on cleaning up the coral reefs around the island. They are a joint operation with the Coral Reef Conservation Program that aims to shag all plants and leaves that do not belong on the reef.
As a reefer, Mr. Pleuler will face many dangerous challenges. For instance, the filter he is required to use will limit the oxygen he breathes, which could cause him to have a raspy voice. The filter sits on the end of the bowl, which is where the oxygen from the tank builds up. If the bowl isn’t cleaned properly it could break and he would have to resurface as soon as possible in order to get oxygen, bringing in a risk of getting the bends.
Once he passes all safety checks, Pleuler will descend into the ocean and begin his work on the reefs. Here he will cut any invasive plants from the surface of the coral, roll them up to conserve space, and send them up the pipe into the boat above. The more plants put into the pipe, the higher quality of life the reef will see.
It is sad to see Mr. Pleuler go, as he helped many students in his time at GHS. However, it is more important to him that he can go to Smogazig and save the reefs. Thank you, Mr. Pleuler, and stay safe.
Jenna Taormina • Apr 1, 2021 at 12:43 pm
A sad day for GHS, Mr. Pleuler will be missed. Good luck! Can’t wait to hear updates!