Trashing bad habits

Melanie MacDonald

(from left) Brianna Sutherland, Rachael Shahin, Dylan Craaybeek, Winslow Lewis, Andrew Grammas and Laura Johnson make posters to promote the new recycling system


Want to save the Earth but find recycling too much of a hassle? Well now, thanks to Gloucester’s single stream system and the Environmental Club at GHS, recycling is easier than ever.

This summer, the city of Gloucester has implemented a recycling system so all recyclables, from paper to pie pans, can be placed in one bin. The Club is working to raise awareness around the school, and to expand recycling initiatives.

Recycling allows us “to reuse resources already exhumed from the Earth,” said Mr. James Cook, adviser of the Environmental Club.

The Environmental Club plans to expand recycling in three ways. The first is to ensure that every classroom has a recycling bin.

The second initiative is to expand recycling to the hallways by making sure big green bins are visible next to trash cans. This is important because “it makes us more aware of what we are consuming,” said Cook.

All bins will also be marked to remind students of the single stream system. No more worrying about finding a paper or plastic bin.

The third recycling initiative the E-Club has in store is to expand recycling into the cafeteria. Large bins will be placed next to the trash bins and  E-Club members will be standing near these receptacles to help students make the right choices.

In addition to recycling, the E-Club is also working toward a composting system for food in the cafeteria. This composting system is set to begin in April.

“People should join E-Club because we are working towards a goal that will benefit not only the community, but the world, “ said club member Rachael Shahin. E-Club is open to all students at Gloucester High School and meets Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in room 2207.