Environmental club brings composting to the cafeteria


The environmental club is starting off the new year right with composting at school lunch. After a gap in collection in an effort to create a more environmentally conscious student body, the club has begun collecting food waste at school lunch again.

Since GHS hosts breakfast and lunch everyday of the week, a trail of food waste inevitably follows it’s students. The collection of food waste (composting) is not only environmentally friendly but it also reduces the amount of trash we collectively create at these meal times. For the love of our planet, make it your goal in the new year to compost.

“Composting is an essential tool for furthering the future of this earth, stimulating growth of new plants as we give back what we’ve taken from the earth,” said Environmental Club member Rebecca Pollock.

Not sure what composting entails? Here are three key concepts for disposal of your next school lunch:

  1. If it is food or paper, compost it. (Biodegradable)
  2. If it is styrofoam, a wrapper, or waxed paper, throw it in the trash.
  3. If it’s plastic or aluminum, recycle it.

A majority of all our meals can be composted from our napkins to our paper bags to our food scraps. The compost bins, although appearing as trash bins, are labeled ‘composting’ with signs indicating what can and cannot be composted as well as being monitored.

Support the environmental club and your earth by looking twice before you dispose of your lunch.