Artist by Bernica Wilcox


April 7, 2020

a puppet on a string

fraying on one end


slowly breaking out of society’s confinement

no longer a product put out on display


the most authentic we’ve ever been

and at the same time the least


perception of personality is subjective

our true selves can’t exist


no matter how comfortable we feel.


always striving to fit in

or stand out.


a constant battle 

a war never won


the soldiers are tired 

so, so tired


the world is burning,

in more ways than one 


we are condemned for caring

as their labels get fired at us 


faster than bullets. 


we are awake

they need to wake up




can you hear us? 

we scream to you


our words fall on deaf ears

shattering like glass


society’s strings still strangle them

the pressure to submit suffocates them


they live vicariously through us

continuing the cycle of conformity.

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